Sunday, September 25, 2011

Forks Over Knives Documentary
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August 2011 - Facet Syndrome

My experience with Facet Syndrome:

Since November 2010, I have been "suffering" from pain in my lower back that has significantly affected my life. For 8 months I made countless trips to the emergency room and to the doctor's office with hopes of finding out what caused the pain, and how to manage the pain.  It wasn't until August 2011 that I was finally diagnosed!  What a relief!  Facet Syndrome is very difficult to diagnose.  I was having pains in my abdomen, right hip, and lower back.  My gynecologist diagnosed me with having a uterine fibroid, which made sense because of the location of the pain.  I was scheduled to have a procedure done called endometrial ablation ( to help with other symptoms of the fibroid.

I didn't trust the diagnosis to be honest, and I wanted to make sure that the procedure was necessary because I desire to have more children.  I sought 2 other opinions from different doctors, and it was brought to my attention that my pain was originating from either my bones, joints tendons, or ligaments.    After a visit with the chiropractor, the diagnosis was confirmed: Facet Syndrome.  I felt so relieved!  It's emotionally taxing when you're experiencing pain and don't know what is causing the pain.  At one point, I thought my pain was a result of some psychosomatic disorder!  Turned out, the pain caused me to feel depressed!  Now that I know what is wrong, I can take steps to improve my pain, and my life!

Some information about Facet Syndrome:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Delicious Avocado Lettuce Wrap

Here is one of my most favorite raw food wrap!  This wrap is very easy to make, and it is filling.

2 ripe avocados
1 - tablespoons lime juice
1/4 cup chopped cilantro leaves
1/4 cup minced onion (red is good)
1/2 medium Roma tomato
1/4 cup chopped basil leaves
1 minced jalapeno pepper
black pepper and salt to taste

1.  Combine mashed avocado, chopped tomato, onion, and pepper into a bowl and mix.
2.  Whisk together lime juice, cilantro, basil and black pepper, pour over the avocado mixture, and scoop into wraps.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Coffee Replacement!

I've recently come up with a perfect replacement for coffee!
1.  Carrot Juice
2. Kyo-Green Powdered Drink Mix for Energy (contains: young barley grass, young wheat grass, brown rice, chlorella, kelp and FOS)

I mix these two together in the morning and have a 10oz glass while I get ready for work.  I've noticed a change in my energy level and sustained energy levels that last throughout the day!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Things I've Noticed About My Body Since Going 75% Raw Foods

1.  I don't yawn as much as I did before starting the change.
2.  I have the same energy level throughout the day.  I don't have that 3pm fatigue that makes you feel like you want to curl up under your desk and nap.
3.  I can stay up later, but when I want to fall asleep I have no problem.
4.  I've noticed that I think more clearly and can focus on tasks longer than before.
5.  Overall, I'm happier and I don't feel the physical responses to stress as strongly as I did before.  I feel more relaxed.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Healthy Eating Transformation

My children and I have been eating very clean foods over the past week, and we have all noticed a significant difference in our moods, energy levels and well-being.  For the past week we've been eating 75% raw foods and 25% cooked/processed foods.  My oldest daughter has been complaining about embarking on this new eating adventure, but today she noticed that she didn't feel crabby or annoyed at 6pm like she usually does.
Since starting this new eating transformation, I also decided that caffeine was also going to be cut from my menu.  Caffeine background:  Coffee or an energy drink have been a daily morning ritual of mine for a very long time.  The first 2 days were terrible for me.  I had caffeine withdrawal that sent headaches, body-aches, and bad moods my way. But today is day 6 and I feel WONDERFUL!
One important thing to remember when taking on a diet such as this, is that your body will go through a detox period that will send your body into a frenzy!  You may feel very tired and irritable.  Is it that bad? Really?  Are the foods we consume on a daily basis that bad for us?  Well, after researching it and through personal experience.....YES!  Processed foods, hormone injected meats, overcooked vegetables are all doing nothing for our health or well being.  Raw fruits and vegetables are full of micro-nutrients and have the capability to revive and heal our bodies like nothing that man can create.

Our plan:  Since we are trying to make a permanent change in the way we consume foods, we will take things slowly and make gradual changes along the way.  Right now, we try to eat raw fruits and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a small serving of cooked food on the side.  Sunday will be our day to eat a fully cooked meal if we're feeling up to it.

Eating raw is expensive, yes.  But, I no longer require energy drinks or coffee to make it through the day.  We don't eat cooked meat everyday anymore, which cuts that expense also.  The biggest bonus:  FEELING BETTER, thus having less visits to the doctor's office for my children and myself!  I will be posting some of the delicious recipes that I try along the way.

Recent Books: Your Inner Awakening by Byron Katie

If you're looking for a great book to read about ways to transform your thinking, Your Inner Awakening is a wonderful book.  I really enjoyed reading this book, I've also listened to it on audio just to get a better feel for it.  
My favorite aspect of the book is the Work's four power questions or turnarounds that help you transform a situation or a thought into a positive.  

The four questions are: 

1.  Is it true? 
2.  Can I absolutely know that it is true? 
3.  How do I react to that thought?
4.  Who would I be without that thought?  

What a fine way to challenge our minds, right?  

I use those 4 questions on a daily basis.   When I don't use these questions, I notice a difference in my mood, my behavior, and my outlook on life in general.  

For more information about this book, go to your local library......or visit

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Embarking On a New Journey Toward Health and Wellness

“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours.”
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Today is a new day!  I'm so glad for that!

The realization that health is a serious subject, and our habits create our well being has motivated me to make a permanent change in the way I treat my body and spirit.  I am going to share with you my journey towards better health and wellness.

Thanks for joining me!