Saturday, August 27, 2011

Healthy Eating Transformation

My children and I have been eating very clean foods over the past week, and we have all noticed a significant difference in our moods, energy levels and well-being.  For the past week we've been eating 75% raw foods and 25% cooked/processed foods.  My oldest daughter has been complaining about embarking on this new eating adventure, but today she noticed that she didn't feel crabby or annoyed at 6pm like she usually does.
Since starting this new eating transformation, I also decided that caffeine was also going to be cut from my menu.  Caffeine background:  Coffee or an energy drink have been a daily morning ritual of mine for a very long time.  The first 2 days were terrible for me.  I had caffeine withdrawal that sent headaches, body-aches, and bad moods my way. But today is day 6 and I feel WONDERFUL!
One important thing to remember when taking on a diet such as this, is that your body will go through a detox period that will send your body into a frenzy!  You may feel very tired and irritable.  Is it that bad? Really?  Are the foods we consume on a daily basis that bad for us?  Well, after researching it and through personal experience.....YES!  Processed foods, hormone injected meats, overcooked vegetables are all doing nothing for our health or well being.  Raw fruits and vegetables are full of micro-nutrients and have the capability to revive and heal our bodies like nothing that man can create.

Our plan:  Since we are trying to make a permanent change in the way we consume foods, we will take things slowly and make gradual changes along the way.  Right now, we try to eat raw fruits and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a small serving of cooked food on the side.  Sunday will be our day to eat a fully cooked meal if we're feeling up to it.

Eating raw is expensive, yes.  But, I no longer require energy drinks or coffee to make it through the day.  We don't eat cooked meat everyday anymore, which cuts that expense also.  The biggest bonus:  FEELING BETTER, thus having less visits to the doctor's office for my children and myself!  I will be posting some of the delicious recipes that I try along the way.

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